Dragon Park Fired up with Biomass Sugar

Dragon Park Fired up with Biomass Sugar

Dragon Park in Newport South Wales is the exciting new home of Welsh football, where future generations of talented players and top coaches will be developed and inspired to enable Wales to achieve greater success on the international stage. This fantastic facility offers world-class training, playing and education facilities as well as a headquarters for the Welsh Football Trust.

With a fibre sand premium grade grass pitch, treatment rooms, plunge pool and numerous meeting rooms, Dragon Park is the new home for Welsh Football.

The man tasked with delivering first class playing conditions for all that use and visit Dragon Park is Geraint Scannell a highly skilled and experienced Head Groundsman.

Dragon Park is frequently used, with the playing surfaces hosting up to eight hours a day of football. This presents Geraint with a challenge to improve the turf plant's resistance to wear and requires him to create the sort of management regime that will enable him to deliver the very best conditions in the face of a demanding and relentless playing season.

The lynch pin and starting point for Geraint's management programme is the application of carbohydrates and sugars through regular applications of Biomass Sugar.

Biomass Sugar is a unique formulation of sugars, macronutrients and trace elements produced from annually renewable feedstock. Sugars and carbohydrates can be used as a shortcut in the feeding cycle to deliver plant food in a format that the grass plant can use quickly. Increasing soil sugar also promotes beneficial organisms which have a symbiotic relationship with the plant. This relationship helps provide the plant with increased disease resistance, a greater root system and helps protect the plant from environmental stresses.

Ray Hunt Regional Technical Sales Manager at Amenity Land Solutions (ALS), has worked closely with Geraint supplying Biomass Sugar and has taken a keen interest in Geraint's management programme. Geraint recently displayed to Ray the fantastic results that he believes are the result of regular use of Biomass Sugar, delivering a healthy vigorous plant with outstanding root development. "I am a great believer in the use of sugars and carbohydrates and without doubt I wouldn't be achieving the results that I am without Biomass Sugar" said Geraint.

ALS are an appointed distributor of Biomass Sugar and can be contacted on the below details:

T: 01952 897415

E: sales@amenity.co.uk

Ray Hunt is the Regional Technical Manager for ALS in the South West region and can be contacted on the below email:

E: ray.hunt@amenity.co.uk