Grazon Pro Paddock Weedkiller 1L

SKU: 17244

Sale price£55.60 ex. VAT
£66.72 inc. VAT
(minimum of 1)


Product Overview
Product Type Herbicide
Product Name Grazon Pro
MAPP No. 19875
Active Substances Clopyralid and triclopyr
Formulation Emulsifiable concentrate
Areas of Use Amenity grassland & grassland
Amateur/Professional Professional
Phytomobility Phloem mobile systemic
Mode of Action Group Synthetic auxins

For those unsightly weeds common in paddocks and other grassland areas, look no further than Grazon Pro Paddock Weedkiller. This market leading product is a strong weed killer that will control the likes of docks, thistles, nettles, brambles, broom and gorse. It is also effective on dandelion, creeping buttercup, and daisy.  

Grazon Pro is an extremely fast-acting herbicide that will not harm the grass. Ideal for spot treatments, the product directly kills the root of the weed resulting in long-term control. 

This product replaces the previously registered product Grazon 90. 

Active substances: 240 g/litre triclopyr (acid equivalent) present as 334 g/litre of triclopyr butotyl and 60 g/litre (5.5% w/w) clopyralid. 

Product Benefits

  • Can be used to spot treat problem weeds
  • Controls a wide spectrum of weeds
  • Low application rate offers excellent value
  • Rainfast in just 2 hours

Instructions for use

Where to use

Grazon Pro can be used in all amenity grassland and grassland situations.

  • Amenity grassland: Areas of semi-natural or planted grassland subject to minimal or non-intensive management
  • Grassland: Land grown for grass production which may be grazed and/or cut for animal consumption

When to use

Grazon Pro can be used between 1st March to 30th October and is most effective when used to treat weeds that are actively growing.

Application Window
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

For optimum efficacy, the timing of the application of Grazon Pro is crucial:

Weed Type Application Timing
Nettle When actively growing but before flowering
Dock In the spring when docks are in the rosette stage
Creeping thistle When actively growing but before flower spikes are 15 cm high
Bramble, broom and gorse June-August when actively growing but before autumn senescence begins

How to use

Grazon Pro can be applied using handheld spraying equipment such as a knapsack sprayer using a medium spray quality nozzle:

  • Half fill the spray tank with water
  • Add the required amount of Grazon Pro and agitate to ensure thorough mixing
  • Add the remaining water and continue to agitate
  • Maintain agitation of the spray solution whilst spraying
  • When spraying ensure foliage is thoroughly wetted but run-off should be avoided
  • To allow maximum translocation, avoid cutting the grass for up to 28 days after application
  • After spraying clean all spraying equipment inside and out, using a suitable spray tank cleaner

Additional Information

  • Do not apply onto or around manure or other compost heaps
  • Do not roll or harrow grass for 10 days before or 7 days after application
  • Any yellowing of the sward is transient and will quickly grow out
  • Avoid contact with non-target plants, ponds, lakes or water courses
  • In hot conditions vapour drift may occur
  • Grazon Pro residues in plant tissues (including manure and compost) which have not completely decayed may affect succeeding susceptible crops
  • Do not use plant material treated with Grazon Pro or manure from animals fed on crops treated with Grazon Pro for composting or mulching
  • Be aware that conifers are particularly sensitive to spray drift
  • Avoid applying when conditions are not suitable for active plant growth
  • Exclude livestock during treatment and for at least 7 days following treatment, if ragwort is present exclude livestock until it has completely recovered or died and there is no visible sign of the dead weed

If you require further information regarding Grazon Pro Paddock Weedkiller, contact our technical sales team on 01952 897917 .

Find more information in our guide How To Know Which Herbicide to Choose

Technical Information

SKU Product File
17244 Grazon Pro Paddock Weedkiller 1L Safety Data Sheet (PDF)
17244 Grazon Pro Paddock Weedkiller 1L Product Label (PDF)
17244 Grazon Pro Paddock Weedkiller 1L Technical Information Sheet (PDF)

Safe use of pesticides

The purchaser and/or end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved professional product.

Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product.

You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides:

"By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out."

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