Envy® Herbicide 3L

SKU: 161480

Sale price£65.00 ex. VAT
£78.00 inc. VAT
(minimum of 1)


Type of Product Herbicide
Product Name Envy®
MAPP No. 17901
Active Substance 100 g/l fluroxypyr
2.5 g/l florasulam
Formulation Type Suspension Emulsion
Areas of Use Established, newly sown & seed crop grassland
Amateur/Professional Professional
Phytomobility Systemic penetrant
Mode of Action Group Inhibition of ALS & Synthetic auxins

MAPP 17901

Active Substances: 2 g/l Florasulam and 100 g/l Fluoxypyr

Envy is a systemic penetrant selective herbicide containing 2 g/l Florasulam and 100 g/l Fluoxypyr for the control of herbaceous perennial broadleaved weeds in established, newly sown and seed crop grassland. It can be applied once per year at a rate of 1-2 L/ha.

Envy contains two active substances to actively target and control problem annual and perennial weeds such as buttercups, dandelions, docks and daisies in paddocks, low productivity grassland and pastures.

Envy is effective in cool weather conditions and is therefore a useful replacement for straight fluoxypyr to control chickweed early in the growing season.

Because it has a short stock exclusion time of just 7 days, Envy is particularly useful for controlling weeds in horse paddocks and fields.

Manure from horses grazed on paddocks and fields treated with Envy can be used on gardens or allotments with no residue concerns.

3 Litre pack treats 3.7 acres at 2.0 L / ha

Envy Herbicide Logo

Instructions for use

Where to use

  • Grassland - Short and long-term grass leys and permanent pasture, which may be grazed and /or cut for subsequent animal consumption. Includes use on newly sown leys and moorland for grazing

When to use

Apply when weeds are actively growing.

  • For new sown leys and established grassland apply between 1st February and 30th November
  • For grass grown for seed apply between 1st March and 30th November
Application Window - Envy® is authorised for a maximum of one application in one year
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

How to use

  • Apply at a rate of:
    • 2 L/ha for established grassland
    • 1 - 1.5 L/ha for newly sown leys
    • 1 - 1.5 L/ha for grass grown for seed
  • Apply using a vehicle mounted hydraulic sprayer

Crops Maximum Treatments Application Method Application Rate Water Volume Spray Quality
Established grassland 1 per year Vehicle mounted hydraulic sprayer or knapsack sprayer 2 L/ha 200 - 400 L/ha Medium
Newly sown leys 1 - 1.5 L/ha 200 L/ha
Grass grown for seed 1 - 1.5 L/ha 200 L/ha

Additional Information

  • Livestock must be kept out of treated areas for at least 2 weeks following treatment and if ragwort is present, until there is no visible sign of the dead weed
  • Do not spray when grass is wet, if night time temperatures are low, if ground frost is imminent or in prolonged cold or dry weather
  • Avoid contact with non-target plants
  • Do not allow drift to contact water
  • Allow four weeks before re-seeding
  • Do not roll or harrow grass for 10 days before or 7 days after application
  • Envy will kill or severely control clover
  • Ensure grass has become established before spraying: grass sown in spring or summer may be ready for spraying after about 2 months but grass sown in late summer or autumn should not be sprayed until growth is resumed in the following spring

Active substances


Bio-Chemical Mode of Action: Fluoxypyr belongs to the synthetic auxins group of herbicides.

Synthetic auxins work by inducing rapid abnormal cell growth and development in the stems, petioles and leaves of susceptible plants causing cell bursts and ultimately cell and plant death.

Mobility: Fluoxypyr is a systemic penetrant which means that the active substance can be translocated downwards through the plant within the phloem (sugar conducting tissues) and upwards through the plant within the xylem (water conducting tissues).

Application timing: Systemic auxins are best applied when the weeds are actively growing. They are generally more effective when target plants are younger and in their vegetative phases.

Resistance: The incidences of resistance to synthetic auxins remains relatively low which is assumed to be because the herbicide has multiple sites of action.

However, resistance to synthetic auxins has been observed globally with 36 species being confirmed as resistant as of 2017. Best management practices, such as alternating with products with a different mode of action and using cultural weed control methods, will help to reduce the risk of further resistance.


Bio-Chemical Mode of Action: Florasulam belongs to the ALS (Acetolactate Synthase) Inhibitors group of herbicides.

Acetolactate synthase is an important enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids. ALS inhibitors interrupt this process causing the plant to initially become chlorotic before necrosis of plant tissues followed by whole plant death occurs.

Mobility: Florasulam is a systemic penetrant which means that the active substance can be translocated downwards through the plant within the phloem (sugar conducting tissues) and upwards through the plant within the xylem (water conducting tissues).

Application timing: ALS inhibitors are best applied when the weeds are actively growing. They are generally more effective when target plants are younger and in their vegetative phases.

Resistance: Resistance to ALS inhibitors is a relatively frequent occurrence due to their high activity on sensitive biotypes and soil residual activity. Best management practices, such as alternating with products with a different mode of action and using cultural weed control methods, will help to reduce the risk of further resistance.

For further information on Envy, please contact a member of our technical sales team on 01952 897917.

Find more information in our guide How To Know Which Herbicide to Choose

Technical Information

SKU Product File
161480 Envy® Herbicide 3L Safety Data Sheet (PDF)
161480 Envy® Herbicide 3L Product Label (PDF)
161480 Envy® Herbicide 3L Product Information Sheet (PDF)

Safe use of pesticides

The purchaser and/or end users are responsible for ensuring that these products are used in line with industry Approved Codes of Practice. All operators must be trained and certificated in using and applying any Ministry Approved professional product.

Please be aware that by proceeding you are purchasing a professional pesticide product.

You must ensure the end user of these products complies with the DEFRA/HSE Code for the Safe use of Pesticides:

"By law, everyone who uses pesticides professionally must have received adequate training in using pesticides safely and be skilled in the job they are carrying out."

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